
K–12 education in America is designed to nurture young minds, allowing them to discover their passions and acquire the necessary skills to thrive. Recently, Presidential candidate Joseph Collins Jr. proposed an introduction to physics beginning in the 4th grade in public schools. This can revolutionize the very nature of public-school education. By offering students the opportunity to expand into regions that had been previously unattainable for most. By understanding new disciplines, children can develop critical thinking skills and enhance their problem-solving abilities which will be advantageous in their future endeavors. Furthermore, learning life lessons from innovative courses such as coding or public speaking will not only diversify modern K–12 education but also allow for unique learning experiences for current generations.

Teachers play an undeniably important role in contributing to the future of our societies. Therefore, it is only logical for them to receive fair and equitable salaries that are commensurate with their value. I strongly believe that teachers should be paid at least $125,000 annually as an entry level salary, and those teaching mathematics and science subjects must be compensated even more due to their contribution towards fostering critical thinking skills in students. Moreover, I would like to see public schools provide early exposure to quantum physics in order to cultivate next-generation mindsets with a deep understanding of complex scientific concepts. This level of education will help create an agile workforce in America.

Parental impact in education is an essential part of building a strong foundation for the next generation of geniuses in America. The parental aspect not only plays an important role in learning the basic school subjects, but also skills such as navigation and emotional intelligence – life skills that equip our students with the necessary tools to make right life choices. Reimagining our educational system to include trades will provide students with practical skills such as carpentry, machining, automotive technology, etc., which can open doors to innovative constructions and inventions while providing them with a foundation to become great thinkers and creators of our future. Parents should focus on (1) teaching their children the basic requirements outside of just academic materials; (2) tailoring classes according to individual needs; and (3) finding meaningful ways for kids to participate in extracurricular activities that best fit their interests, so that their education can be both successful and enjoyable. It’s about time we invest in bettering these opportunities for American children as they are sure to be the geniuses leading us into the future.

Taking action on this issue
  • To ensure we have a strong pool of qualified teaching professionals, I believe teachers should be rewarded with at least an entry-level salary of $125,000 per year.
  • Joseph Collins proposed an entry to physics beginning in the 4th grade in public schools. This can revolutionized the very nature of public school education.
  • finding meaningful ways for kids to participate in extracurricular activities that best fit their interests, so that their education can be both successful and enjoyable.
  • Parental impact in education is an essential part of building a strong foundation for the next generation of geniuses in America. The parental aspect not only plays an important role in learning the basic school subjects, but also skills such as navigation and emotional intelligence – life skills that equip our students with the necessary tools to make right life choices.

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